The Beauty of the Cross...
“An instructive writer has made a mournful list of the honours
which the blinded people of Israel awarded to their long expected
1. They gave him a procession of honour, in which Roman
legionaries, Jewish priests, men and women, took a part, he
himself bearing his cross. This is the triumph which the
world awards to him who comes to overthrow man's direst
foes. Derisive shouts are his only acclamations, and cruel
taunts his only paeans of praise.
2. They presented him with the wine of honour. Instead of a
golden cup of generous wine they offered him the criminal's
stupefying death draught, which he refused because he would
preserve an uninjured taste wherewith to taste of death; and
afterwards when he cried, "I thirst", they gave him vinegar
mixed with gall, thrust to his mouth upon a sponge. Oh!
wretched, detestable inhospitality to the King's Son.
3. He was provided with a guard of honour, who showed their
esteem of him by gambling over his garments, which they had
seized as their booty. Such was the bodyguard of the adored
of heaven; a quaternion of brutal gamblers.
4. A throne of honour was found for him upon the bloody tree;
no easier place of rest would rebel men yield to their liege
Lord. The cross was, in fact, the full expression of the
world's feeling towards him; "There", they seemed to say,
"thou Son of God, this is the manner in which God himself
should be treated, could we reach him."
5. The title of honour was nominally "King of the Jews",
but that the blinded nation distinctly repudiated, and
really called him "King of thieves", by preferring Barabbas,
and by placing Jesus in the place of highest shame between
two thieves. His glory was thus in all things turned into
shame by the sons of men, but it shall yet gladden the eyes
of saints and angels, world without end.”
—Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Readings, April 7th
Isn't it incredible how our Lord Jesus can take something SO humiliating, and make a beautiful thing out of it? “His glory was thus in all things turned into shame by the sons of men, but it shall yet gladden the eyes of saints and angels, world without end.” I find that just like my Jesus! He takes something so wretched and gory, and turns it into a fountain that sinners can flock to to be cleansed from our own filth!. Praise the Lord!
“There's a fountain free, tis for you and me
Let us haste, oh haste, to its brink
Tis the fount of love from the source above
And He bids us all, freely drink”
Let us haste, oh haste, to its brink
Tis the fount of love from the source above
And He bids us all, freely drink”
—Mary Bridges Canedy Slade
Beautiful post, Ryan. I was blessed. I've spent alot of time lately thinking about how very much it must've cost the Father to send His Son, and how much pain Jesus really went thru for us. It's unfathomable for my mind!
I think that if I really understood, and felt how much Jesus went thru for my sake, for the world's, I wouldn't hesitate a minute to ever share my faith with others! I have so far to go... praise God He's not finished with me yet!=)
BTW, I really like your blog, and I've enjoyed the posts! Keep it up for Jesus!
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM
Thank you, Rachel! Yes, if I compare the difference of what I do for Christ, with what Christ did for me..... I would faint from the difference! What never ceases to amaze me is that His love to me is totally unchanging! It does not matter what a glorious, perfect saint, or what a wretched sinner I am, HE STILL LOVES ME!!! Praise HIM!
You know, you are way ahead of me in your boldness for Christ! I am SO ashamed of myself, of how many opportunities I have let slip by because of the fear of man.... Do I really fear man more than God? I pray that I could be as bold for Christ as the three Hebrew boys in Daniel were: "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter." They didn't care one bit that they were about to burn in an earthly hell... They counted themselves happy to suffer for their Lord.
"I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ" -Extreme Devotion
Thanks for sharing your heart! Keep Serving HIM!!!!
“For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.” Psalms 27:5
Ryan H, at 8:43 PM
Oh, no, I don't think I'm "way ahead" of you at all! Please understand I am purely human, too!=) And the Lord is still working on my fear of man, as well!
And, there's no need to still be ashamed of yourself... remember Philipians 3:10-14!=)
I often feel like the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane; my spirit is very willing, willing indeed to give Jesus everything forever and for always! But my flesh is so weak. Although, we have no exuse now: they didn't have the power of the Holy Spirit living within them... if we're born-again, we do!!!
My "heroes", the men and women of the Faith who have gone before, and I so admire, had this unshakeable, unstoppable faith and love for Jesus that I wonder if I'll ever attain! Martin Luther... the man who thought "outside the box" and essentially opened up much of the world to religious freedom; John Wesley... extremely zealous and upright man of God, who cared only for serving Christ, and for the Salvation of the world, and proclaimed the message of the Gospel to ALL who would listen, whether in a church pulpit or along a country road, in a time when it was unheard of to preach to the poor; The William Booth family... a family so dedicated, so on fire for Jesus that they didn't care how dumb or odd they looked to anyone, the liberating message of the gospel that God is no respecter of persons, and He loves each one, whether poor or rich, sinner or saint, needed to be shouted out to the world loud and clear! And all for "the beauty of the Cross",and thru His unfailing love and grace, too.
I so desire to spend my life as they did theirs... for eternity's sake... because that's all that matters in the end! I don't want to meet my Saviour empty-handed. He gave up everything for me; I must do the same for Him. But not out of obligation, but out of a heart of love for my Shepherd who became a Lamb, for this lost sheep...
And a hearty "Amen!" ~ I will never give up, back up, let up or shut up!=)!
Anyhow, I'm sorry for the LONG ramble!=/ I tend to do that... being a preacher's daughter doesn't help, either!=D *ROTFL*
Romans 12:1-3!
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
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